Final Project Details

  1. Key Dates
  2. Group Formation
  3. Pitch
  4. Ideation
  5. Presentation
  6. Group Evaluation
  7. Submissions
    1. Pitch Slide Submission
    2. Final Presentation Slide Submission
    3. Final Code Submission

This project is an opportunity for everyone to be creative and explore areas of app development that interest you the most. No longer being guided through carefully curated assignments, you and a team of 3-4 other students will now have the opportunity to develop any app you’d like.

Key Dates

Group FormationBy Wednesday, May 4th
PitchOn Friday, May 13th
PresentationOn Thursday, June 2nd
Group EvaluationBy Tuesday, June 7th
Code SubmissionBy Tuesday, June 7th

Group Formation

Find peers in the class to form a group of 3-4 people to work with for this final project. Please submit your finalized groups through the following google form by Wednesday, May 4th:

Group Sheet

If you don’t fill out the group sheet by the date we specified, we will randomly assign you to one of groups.

When all group match are finalized, we will create a Group on Canvas for your group. Code submission portal on Canvas will be open a few days after that, where, again, you need to submit your repository link created by GitHub classroom.


You have to make a pitch on your idea and plan for the final project to us on Friday, May 13th. You can sign up for the time slot by using this sheet. All group members must be present during the pitch.

This is REQUIRED. You won’t get any credit for your final project if you are absent. This is a great opportunity to let us coordinate your project at the first place.

You need to submit your slide for the pitch presentation at least 1 day before your pitch on Canvas.

You will have about 10-15 mins for your pitch presentation. You need to prepare a slide and entire pitch presentation should cover these topics:

  • Idea
    • What problem you are going to solve with your app?
    • Are there any existing solutions in the market, and what’s the difference?
    • What are the essential functionalities you would like to include?
  • Implementation
    • Give a brief timeline of how your app will be implemented.
    • What are the third party library/web APIs you are going to use?


  • If your group already has an idea about what to build, please feel free to bring that idea to life. However, remember that we will review the idea during your pitch and give feedback.

  • If you are still looking for ideas, belows are a few topics we pick for you to choose from:

    • Expense Calculator
      An application that keeps track of your daily expenses. It might also settle up your expenses per month and give a visualization of that summary.

    • Movie Viewer

      An app that can retrieve and present the description, rating, etc. of movies from a web API.

      Possible API Endpoint
      MovieDB API

    • Covid Tracker

      An application that tracks the Covid-19 data, and visualize it.

      Possible API Endpoint
      COVID Tracking Project

    • Flight Ticket Search

      An application that helps users to search flight tickets between major cities around the world.

      Possible API Endpoint
      Sky Scanner


The presentation will be hold in person during regular lecture time at Teaching and Learning Complex 3210 (our regular classroom) in the last lecture - Thursday, June 2nd. You need to be here to present with your group to get the full credit for presentation part.

You need to submit your slide at least 1 day before the final presentation on Canvas.

Presentation Length Per Group: TBD, maybe ~10 mins

To have full credit on final presentation, your group have to present a live demo for your app. For eaxmple, you may want to show how to interact with your app and what kind of things your app can do.

You don’t need to present the full version of your app. Your codebase can have some bugs or crashs at the time of presentation. You will have few more days after the presentation to keep polish your code!

You can find the detailed rubric on Canvas here.

Group Evaluation

Group evalution will be sent out after the final presentation. Announcement will be made on Canvas at that time, including the details of filling out evalution form for your group members.

You will be asked to grade the contribution of each member in your team. You will get the full credit for group evalution as long as you submit your evalution form before deadline.

However, if based on the evalution given by your teammates that you barely contribute anything to your team, we will contact your by email to discuss the details and you may get penalty on entire project grade.


Pitch Slide Submission

Please upload your slide for pitch presentation on Canvas 1 day before your pitch.

Final Presentation Slide Submission

Please upload your slide for final presentation on Canvas at least 1 day before the final presentation.

Final Code Submission

Your final submission should have all the parts in a GitHub repo.

On Canvas, you should submit your repository link.

The GitHub repo should contain the codebase for your app (does not need to be 100% functional, but should be logical. Some crashes and errors are fine) Make sure the code is generally commented with core goals in each file