Assignment 4

Assignment 4

In this assignment, you will practice how to initiate an API request, fetch data from the API endpoint, parse the data, and present the data in your app.

I’ve noticed that quite a few people are struggling with previous assignments, so I intentionally rewrote assignment 3 and 4 to make them easier, instead of using prompts I originally planned. Meanwhile, I also wish you to put more time on your final project.

Estimated Time to Complete this Assignment:

  • If you are already mastered all materials covered in the lecture, you probably can get this one done ~1-2 hrs.
  • If you need to revisit some concepts, you probably still can get this done in ~3-6 hrs.

This assignment’s skeleton code is based on the solution of assignment 2, which should be similar to the starter code of assignment 3.

Stage 1 (30 Pts in total)

Let’s create a picker to let users switch between Quote and Images.

In this stage, you will create a picker in the InspirationView to let users switch between QuoteView (you will implement it in the later stage) and ImageGalleryView. This might be the most challenging part of this entire assignment as you have to learn how to use Picker and practice the usage of enum.

Stage 1.1 (15 Pts)

In this sub-stage, you need to go over the official document on Picker from here. You can focus on all code snippets in that document to have a general idea of how to use the Picker. After that, you need to create an enum which will be used in our picker later.

There are some requirements:

  1. You must create this enum in the file Views/InspirationViews/InspirationView.swift.
  2. Your enum must have and only have two cases. One is named quotes and another one is named images. They represent two different views that users want to display.
  3. Your enum must conform to the CaseIterable protocol so that you can use .allCases to iterate over all cases later in the Picker.
  4. Your enum must have a computed variable named name: String, which will return the capitalized string of each case. For example, if your enum is named as InspirationType, then when you access it returns a capitalized String - “Quotes”. If you access, it returns a capitalized String - “Images”.


  1. You can conform your enum to the String protocol. Then you can get a String representation of each case in your enum by using .rawValue.

    For example (assume your enum is named as InspirationType), if your enum conforms to the String protocol, you can use InspirationType.quotes.rawValue to get a String value - “quotes”. Or, you can also use self.rawValue in your enum too, which has the same behavior.

  2. .capitalized is already defined on every String type variable in the standard library. You can use this handy tool to get the capitalized string.
  3. CaseIterable and enum are covered in the previous lecture when we went over the Swift Type Systems.

Grade Breakdown:

  • (5 pt) Correctly create the enum in the right file.
  • (5 pt) Correctly conform to the CaseIterable protocol.
  • (5 pt) Correctly implement the name computed variable.

Stage 1.2 (10 Pts)

In this sub-stage, you will create the Picker in our InspirationView. Go to the file Views/InspirationViews/InspirationView.swift again, and you will work on this file. TODO comments are available in the skeleton code.

Find the right place and declare your Picker here. The Picker will display two different tabs - Images and Quotes (capitalized). You can use the name computed variable defined in the previous sub-stage.

The expected result of this sub-stage should be something like this:

ImageInteraction with Picker

You must utilize .allCases on enum to loop through all cases in the enum.


  1. We will use .segmented style for the Picker.
  2. You can apply picker style by calling the view modifier .pickerStyle() on the Picker.
  3. You can use EmptyView() for the label of the Picker, as it won’t be displayed in the style we use anyway.
  4. Depends on the different initializers you may use, the title for the Picker doesn’t matter as well.
  5. The usage of .allCases is also covered in the previous lecture during the Swift Type System.

Grade Breakdown:

  • (5 pt) Correctly declare the Picker at the right place with the right style.
  • (5 pt) Correctly utilize .allCases to loop over all cases in the Picker.

Stage 1.3 (5 Pts)

In this sub-stage, you will need to create the QuoteView (you can just leave it as a template file, we will finish it up in the later stage). You will use a switch statement on two views - QuoteView and ImageGalleryView, so that users can finally switch between two views by selecting a different choice in the Picker we declared before.

The expected result of this sub-stage should be something like this:

There are some steps and requirements to follow:

  1. You need to create a SwiftUI file named QuoteView.swift in the folder Views/InspirationViews. You can just leave it as the template file for now.
  2. Go to the file Views/InspirationViews/InspirationView, and find the right place to add a switch statement to conditionally display QuoteView or InspirationView based on users’ choice. You must use the switch statement here.

Grade Breakdown:

  • (5 pt) Correctly use the switch statement to conditionally display one of two views.

Stage 2 (60 Pts in total)

Let’s create our QuoteView!

In this stage, we will take a close look at the API we will use. We will create the API service, view, model, and view model for the QuoteView.

Don’t pay anything for the API. The API service we will use in this assignment is hosted and managed by a 3rd-party platform. We will only use the free part of the API service for this assignment.

Stage 2.1 (15 Pts)

In this sub-stage, you will get familiar with the API service we will use for this assignment. We will use the API service provided by

You can read the full documentation of this API service from their website:

Or, you can also check the payload by directly accessing the endpoint:

After reviewing the payload returned by the API endpoint, you should see something like this (example from the official document):

	"q": "Lack of emotion causes lack of progress and lack of motivation.",
	"a": "Tony Robbins",
	"i": "",
	"c": "63",
	"h": "<blockquote>&ldquo;Lack of emotion causes lack of progress and lack of motivation.&rdquo; &mdash; <footer>Tony Robbins</footer></blockquote>"
// ...MORE DATA... //
	"q": "The friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.",
	"a": "Elbert Hubbard",
	"i": "",
	"c": "67",
	"h": "<blockquote>&ldquo;The friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.&rdquo; &mdash; <footer>Elbert Hubbard</footer></blockquote>"

Based on this pattern and structure, create a file named Quote.swift in the folder Models. Inside the newly created Quote.swift file, create a struct named Quote to represent each individual “quote”.

There are some requirements:

  1. You are responsible for creating the right fields with the correct name in your Quote struct based on the payload you observe.
  2. You must name all fields in the Quote according to the field name in the payload. You are not allowed to use CodingKeys here to customize the field name. However, I do encourage you to do that beyond this assignment.
  3. You are responsible for conforming this struct to the right protocol, which makes the struct can be decoded from a JSON string.
  4. You might need to set one or more fields to the Optional type, as the payload might not always return all fields that are shown in the official document, or the example above. However, we will not use these fields that are not returned in the payload. Therefore, it’s ok if you just do not declare them in the code at all.

Grade Breakdown:

  • (10 pt) Correctly create the file and struct.
  • (5 pt) Correctly conform to the right protocol, which makes the struct can be decoded from a JSON string.

Stage 2.2 (15 Pts)

In this sub-stage, you need to create an API service class to provide an interface by which we can initiate the API request and parse the data correctly.

Again, the endpoint we will use is:

There are some steps and requirements to follow:

  1. First, you must create a Swift file named QuoteAPIService.swift in the folder Services.
  2. You must create a class in that newly created QuoteAPIService.swift file. Your class should be named QuoteAPIService.
  3. In your QuoteAPIService class, you must provide a static async function named getQuotes().

    The full signature:

    static func getQuotes() async -> [Quote]?

    It takes nothing but returns an Optional of an array of Quotes.

  4. In the getQuotes() function, you need to initiate an API request to the endpoint, fetch the data, and use JSONDecoder to decode the data into an array of Quotes.
  5. You should handle errors in the function getQuotes(). If an error occurs, simply return nil. A guard let or if let binding is efficient.
  6. You must check the HTTP response code. Namely, you should check whether the response code is 200, which indicates a successful action. If it’s not, again, return nil.
  7. You must use try-do-catch block on to catch and print the error if an error occurs.
  8. You must use try? when calling JSONDecoder().decode().
  9. The last two requirements are just to ensure you know how to apply different styles of error handling on your own.

Grade Breakdown:

  • (5 pt) Correctly check the HTTP response code and return nil when the response code is not 200.
  • (5 pt) Correctly use try-do-catch block on and print errors if necessary.
  • (5 pt) Correctly use try? on JSONDecoder().decode().

Stage 2.3 (15 Pts)

In this sub-stage, you need to create a view model for the QuoteView.

There are some steps and requirements to follow:

  1. You must create a Swift file named QuoteViewModel.swift in the folder ViewModels.
  2. In the newly created QuoteViewModel.swift file, you need to create a class named QuoteViewModel which will be the view model to bridge the view and model for quotes.
  3. You must conform to the right protocol for this view model.
  4. In this QuoteViewModel, you must have a field - quotes: [Quote]. We will fetch the Quotes via API request and assign the returned array to this variable later. We will also use this variable to display Quotes in our QuoteView later. Therefore, you must mark this field with the right property wrapper.
  5. You must provide a function named loadQuotes().

    The full signature:

    func loadQuotes() async

    In this function, you need to call the getQuotes() function that we just defined in the previous stage in the class QuoteAPIService. If the returned data from the getQuotes() function is not nil, you need to assign the returned data to the quotes variable, which is defined in step 4. Otherwise, just do nothing.

  6. For step 5, you must ensure the data assignment happens in the right Actor.
  7. You are encouraged to check whether the Task is canceled and early terminate the execution in the loadQuotes() function. This is a good practice.

Grade Breakdown:

  • (5 pt) Correctly create and declare the QuoteViewModel and conform to the right protocol.
  • (5 pt) Correctly declare the quotes: [Quote] marked with the right proper wrapper.
  • (5 pt) Correctly define the loadQuotes() function and meets all requirements listed.

Stage 2.4 (15 Pts)

In this sub-stage, you need to finish up the QuoteView we created in the first stage. You will also need to link QuoteView and QuoteViewModel up, calling the loadQuotes() function and display all Quotes.

The expected result should be something like this:

In QuoteView PreviewIn InspirationView with Dark ModeText Selection Enabled

You will work on the file Views/InspirationViews/QuoteView.swift.

There are some steps and requirements to follow:

  1. Declare a local instance of QuoteViewModel marked with the right proper wrapper. @ObservedObject or @StateObject?
  2. Replace the template code with your own implementation of the QuoteView.
  3. The layout of each Quote card should be like this:

  4. The quote and author text must both be selectable by long pressing. See the hint section. You don’t need to set up the share functionality when doing a long press.
  5. You can use the Color.secondarySystemBackground as the background color of each quote card. This color is defined in your first assignment.
  6. You must use .task to call the loadQuotes() function.
  7. You can apply a shadow to each quote card, which can add some nice visual effects.


  1. You can use .textSelection() view modifier on the Text to enable the text selection.
  2. You can use .multilineTextAlignment() to adjust the multiline alignment behavior for the Text if you need it.

Grade Breakdown:

  • (5 pt) Correctly create the QuoteView and have a similar layout for each quote and similar behavior as expected.
  • (5 pt) Correctly use .task to call the loadQuotes() function.
  • (5 pt) Correctly display all quotes as shown in the GIFs or images in the prompt.

Stage 3 (10 Pts in total)

Commit, Push, and Submit

Remember to commit your code changes and push the change to GitHub before the deadline.

Even if you intend to use late policy, you still need to submit your repository link on Canvas before the original deadline to get the 10 points.

Grade Breakdown:

  • (10 pt) A valid GitHub repository link is submitted on Canvas before the original deadline.